Tuesday, April 6, 2010


For our next assignment, we were asked to make an infographic to compare travel websites for a spring break trip to Cancun. We researched and compared five different sites based on six criteria: lowest round-trip price, direct or connecting flight, discounts or packages offered, number of search engines shown, any negatives on the site and the overall rating (user-friendliness.)
I wrote a headline and a short deck describing the goal of the project and made a simple, to-the-point chart that's easy to read and interpret. I added the company's logos to give each site its unique identity.

Monday, April 5, 2010


One of our latest assignments was to restore an old photo using Photoshop. To make this picture look as good as new, I used the clone stamp to repair the holes, take the water marks/age spots off of the face, brighten the whites of her eyes, thicken her eyebrows, make her eyes pop by adding a black liner to the top lids, and added some pink color to her lips.